Thursday, May 21, 2009
A lil bit of cleavage showing
I underwent surgery for breast implants it has been 21 1/2 years since I have had breasts, theinspiration was Meghan, who has implants from her reconstructive breast cancer surgery--her docotr William Jacobsen, has done such a beautiful job that I decided it was time., so undergoing surery a few weeks ago, which thepast few weeks have been painful, i got my first saline injectionand i have a cleavage--a bit of one--but a cleavage of whichi am very proud! Here is the tissue expanders they put inside ofme, after 3-4 months of saline injections I then go in and have the surgery for the breast implant. I shall be a new woman, Plus I am quite proud ofmyself--I have lost a few pounds and feel better.