Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On the Road to Sore Muscles!

Okay look at the sky--this is the yearly trek that Jay went on with the company he works for. This I believe was southern Utah. Ben went this year and has done several bike rides with them to /Baja Mexico.

Ben and Margie

I actually think this is one of the bettter pictures of...............Me! Also of Ben--We were playing Mother May I outside.

Chino Bandido

This was taken quite some time ago, but showing off our family--Tara and Benjust had Ryder--so funny! How time flies.

We were eating at Jay's and I favorite eating establishment--

Bushel and a Peck

This is one of my favorite pictures of Anne and Grandpa--! Can you not see why!!

The Ice Cream Man

This was a interesting day! Anne and I were outside and she heard tht annoying ice cream truck music that they play--it quickly brought me back to a time when my children were young and had hankerings for that same truck, I am sure of it, during the summer it seemed they circled our block for 3 hours., after feeding them ice cream, the kids bolted out of the house again for another slurp of the frozen treat., I was so mad by this time, I went out to the Male Mexican Driver and said, you have been up and down our street today, try another street, I don't want to see you or HEAR your music down our street again. Needless to say he apologized and I never had heard from him since, did I ever regret that, not until annes' sharp ears perked up and said it's an ice cream truck. Yes REgret. but so happy to buy her what ever she wanted., Jay was happy for the sight of a truck also, he had missed it too.



polka dotted momma

Yesh! These are the cutest, Nessa helped me looked pretty for some occasion I was going off to, I think it was Utah. Thanks Nessa, They are ready for your services again, even though you don't like to serve, Ha!

You have something in your teeth

Cilantro anyone!

Pics of our travels northward

Pictures of us at Mountain Meadow Massacre, north of St George, Utah, My cousin Joanne was there visiting Jim and Lu--it was a great visit, for the folks. July 08

I can't hear you!

I had to put this in--anne put on these glasses and looked up at her mommy and said, "GRANDPA"!

I love this pIcture--of Anne and Grandpa.

Ready Set Debate

Isn't everyone ready for a good race between the red and blue--I read somewhere that on September 11th--put up your flag, let'sd do it. so fun!