Okay, this was an unusual concert, it being probably Gordys last one that we will see, you see, he is about 70 years old, has not the best tone anymore because of massive stroke, and parkinsons, he had a vocal range of 3 notes, they were the good three notes, but when I yelled out for him to sing Alberta Bound, there was no response or a rendition of the melody, just another droning song, with lots of scratchy throat noises, now yes I am being harsh, but being a fan, a real fan, I have everyone of his albums, yes-- till some thug stole them all, all the cds I have ever owned from my vehicle, I am now started accumulating more , his old songs are wonderful, he was a hunk a mania back in the day, and ever since Patti and an old boyfriend, may I say Gert, loved him, since the age of 12 years I have loved him. Loved his singing, his balladeering, his folksy ness, I have gone to many concerts of his, probably more than John Denver who i have seen multiple times. Anyway, a bygone era, it was nostalgic to say the least, with my sisters, Patti and Rosemary, we had some good laughs, so listen to him, and try and think of what he sounded in his prime, I know its a strectch. So here's to Gordy, Our Last Balladeer
Oh you are just the cutest thing ever. I miss hanging out at your house! Your grandkids are ADORABLE! I'm so excited that Nessa is going to be a mommy, I think she is going to be a wonderful mom. I hope she starts feeling better soon. It was fun seeing what you have been up too.
hey there. i don't know this guy . . . but i really liked john denver. does that count? looks like fun with sisters . . . that's the best kind of fun.
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