Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sisters in Salt Lake City Utah May 09

This is the second annual visit--i guess the last, no more trips to EFY for the boys--we are trying to do something every year--Rosemary is the Queen! She made all arrangements and made it very comfortable for us. We ate, laughed visited sites, visited Aunt Hermine, our sister Victoria, our french friends, cause we consider them our friends now., via Rosemary and paul., such a great time, weather was superb! <

now the funniest park was Wasps in the Crotch of Statues.a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgKFW6F6EO6J3MeYrKCCU9IxBfoPmmm6c4rutp9bQrmrJOxZVyhhFA4IuOzrV7NYJV8FbGm2j8oXIBIJMcNyZkXxGRFs1epqC8-69M6P7PF-0vZddacXfVcdhE9kQdxFDDzVW25D-4Psa8/s1600-h/100_1260.jpg">


David and Stacey said...

Wow, looks like you 3 had a good time, I hope I can do that one day with m,y sisters. P.S. you look awesome, quite the shape you have!

Unknown said...

i know, mom is looking good!